![]() Art by Saba |
Rusty Redgrove
Rusty really likes old electronics, especially video games. On most days, there's nothing they'd rather be doing than sitting in front of an old TV with a stack of dusty cartridges, slaying pixelated monsters and racking up impressive scores. Rusty is an adventurer at heart, and always has stories to tell about their magical escapades inside the video game worlds, though nobody really seems to know whether these stories are true, or just the product of an overactive imagination. (Oddly enough, Rachel never seems to question them...)
Rusty likes to collect T-shirts, and has a truly magnificent collection stuffed into their woefully small closet. You'll rarely ever see them wearing anything but one of these suspiciously well-preserved shirts underneath their favorite red flannel. Rusty is terribly shy, and it can take a lot of gentle prodding to bring them out of their shell. Once you do, though, they'll be your bestest pal forever! (Especially if you offer them cheeseburgers.) (Ref sheet by Saba, art by Chu Kazoo) |
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Rachel Riverglen
(Rachel insisted that she write this section herself. Apologies in advance.) what's up, nerds! i'm rachel. i'm a red panda/fennec fox (my mom 'n dad, respectively) but you can call me a "rox," 'cuz rachel rox. ayyyyy. whenever i'm not at work or asleep, you can probably find me out in the woods punching rocks, or exploring old buildings, or getting into ill-defined "trouble" as the cops like to put it. when i'm not doing that, i'm either banging out some code on my trusty, dusty kumquat micro iii, or hanging around my bff rusty and being a nuisance. maybe both at once. usually both at once.
i love skirts! they're comfy and easy to wear. they also pair well with t-shirts, which... i have a lot of, thanks to rusty, haha. show me a fabric, and i've probably turned it into a skirt at some point. the louder the pattern, the better, imho. people have called me a "firecracker," a "pest," and "aww shit it's rachel," and uh. they're usually right, i guess, lol. but i promise if you get to know me, you'll find i'm (Rusty and Rachel art by Sonokido) |
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Redmond "Red" RedgroveSPECIES: red panda
Rusty's dad, Redmond, is what you get when you cross a red panda with a book of dad jokes and a jumbo-size bag of marshmallows. Red is always friendly, fluffy, and full of fatherly wisdom, and always has plenty of fresh-brewed sweet tea ready for potential visitors. Red became a single father rather unexpectedly when his wife, Emma, passed away shortly after Rusty's birth. Devastated, but filled with a new-found determination, he raised Rusty almost single-handedly while still managing to hold down a full-time job as an appliance repairman. His love of all things mechanical and electrical rubbed off on Rusty during those formative years, and today the two of them run R+R Repair, the most well-known and trusted appliance (and a handful of other things) repair business in all of Foxglen. Being from the Southern Lands, Red has a bit of a drawl, which becomes more prominent when he's flustered or exasperated. His cuss of choice is "aw, dagnuts!" |
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Benjamin RiverglenSPECIES: fennec fox
Ben is a former sailor and Rachel's father. He was discharged from the Navy so that he could stay at home and take care of Rachel after her accident. A rather hard-nosed and stern individual, Ben frequently butted heads with his much more carefree daughter in her youth, but has mellowed out somewhat in the years since. Being a fennec fox, he is extremely small and jittery, and is prone to bouts of squeaking when angry or otherwise worked up. This usually did not work in his favor when attempting to discipline Rachel, as she thought it was absolutely hilarious. Ben is employed as a writer for a business journal, and spends most of his free time either tending his vegetable garden or reading the newspaper with his favorite blend of blueberry tea. Despite his seemingly no-nonsense exterior, Ben is secretly a bit of a jokester and has been overheard sharing lewd jokes with Red on several occasions, much to the surprise of literally everyone within earshot. |
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Kassandra "Kass" RiverglenSPECIES: red panda
Rachel's mother, Kassandra, is a tall and burly woman with a calm and gentle demeanor. She works for the government of Foxglen, and is highly praised for her skill in negotiating trade agreements with both nearby cities and distant countries alike. Born and raised on a farm, Kass spent much of her youth wandering the lush hills and rivers of the Nell countryside. She was also a bit of a troublemaker, and frequently found herself running afoul of both her parents and local law enforcement. Because of this, she tends to understand Rachel and her whims better than Ben does, and was a little more hesitant to punish her whenever she got out of line. When she's not traveling or otherwise engaged in some kind of government business, Kass enjoys working out and partaking in a variety of outdoor activities. She and Ben have taken first place in Foxglen's Cutest Couple competition for five years straight. |
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Forrest Bellwood
Forrest is a native of Kalaroo, a small country in the southern hemisphere. As a child, he was fascinated by electronics, and had a knack for creating functional gizmos and circuits from materials found around his home. He later decided to spin his talents into a career, and traveled across the globe to pursue a degree in electronics engineering at Foxglen's Kellen University at just 18 years old. The course of Forrest's life changed rather abruptly when he lost his right hand to cancer just two months after graduation. Dissatisfied with the bulkiness and limited functionality of myoelectric prosthetics at the time, he decided to remain in Foxglen and work on developing more advanced technologies with one of his colleagues. This ultimately led to the founding of Treetop Orthotics & Prosthetics, where he currently works (and sometimes lives) as a senior prosthetist and engineer. He proudly wears an iPAW, an advanced computer-controlled hand of his own design.
Forrest has been Rachel's prosthetist since the very beginning, and is good friends with Ben and Kass (and Rachel, when she behaves herself). Being thousands of miles away from family, he usually celebrates holidays with the Riverglens, though he does his best to travel back home at least once a year. |
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Jozef "Joey" Densmore
Joey is a chef and manager at the Bluewater Café in downtown Foxglen, one of the oldest restaurants in the city. He is a friendly, witty, and attractive young man, traits which have made him rather popular with many of the elderly ladies that frequent the café. Joey is always coming up with new recipes and pitching them to the owner of the café, though not many of them stick, as they often require exotic and/or expensive ingredients that are hard to come by in Foxglen. His dream is to attend the legendary Mariette School of the Culinary Arts and become a world-famous chef. Joey and Rachel have known each other since middle school, and have a strange friendship/rivalry that could almost be mistaken for animosity at times, given the loud and rather harsh insults the two sling at each other every time they meet. Rachel openly admits she has a bit of a crush on Joey, but acknowledges that the universe would probably "flip inside out and explode" if the two were ever to hook up. (Joey also claims to have a boyfriend, though Rachel's not totally convinced, as she has never seen him with her own two eyes.) Joey served Rachel a really, really bad sandwich once, a grievous mistake that will haunt him his entire life. |
![]() Art by Chu Kazoo |
Kate Wormwood
Kate is the current lead singer of WAH, an all-red panda heavy metal band that has been melting faces around the world for over three decades. The "Demon Queen of Scream" is equally at home behind a mic or her beloved electric guitar, Firefox, and ends every show with a killer guitar solo, much to the delight of her extremely devoted (and extremely loud) fanbase. Kate is a fierce defender of civil and political rights, and prefers to speak with her fists when words clearly aren't working. She has been involved in a number of violent and heavily-publicized clashes with police, one of which resulted in the loss of her left eye (as well as the loss of several high-ranking officials' jobs). This did nothing to dampen her spirit, and as soon as she was back on her feet she was back on the front lines, more fiery and determined than ever. While she has been spotted with a glittery purple prosthetic eye several times in recent years, she still prefers to wear her trademark fan-made felt eyepatch during performances, as it is much less likely to become a very expensive powder at the bottom of a mosh pit. Rachel is a huge fan of Kate, and has seen her in concert nearly two dozen times. She often brags that she is one of only two fans that have ever appeared on the front page of Kate's online photo gallery. |
![]() Art by sproutsnout |
Miel "Elly" Syfen
Elly is a Fyxen (FEE-zen, more commonly FYE-zen), a mysterious race with a largely unknown past. She is gentle and good-natured, and gets along with most everyone she meets. Though she was born and raised in Foxglen, Elly still frequently travels to the Fyxen homeland of Ryx-fen (lit. "land of the stars") to study magic. She is currently a class 3 lightwielder, and uses her skills to conduct tours and assist research expeditions in the country's expansive cave system (and perform light shows for parties, for a reasonable fee). Elly met Rachel through the "weird mushrooms" section of an online urban exploration forum. She admits she's not entirely sure why the two hit it off, as she finds Rachel's demeanor to be a bit abrasive at times. Rachel appreciates Elly's company and chill vibes, though, and says she is "one of maybe two or three people [she] would take a painful bee sting for." |
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Jen Delacroix
The older of the two Delacroix sisters, Jen is outgoing and energetic, and participates in a handful of sports in her free time, including DISASTERBALL!, which she helped write the rulebook for. Her most prized possession is the uniform worn by Marlo Burgess during the 3rd annual International Skateball Championships, in which Burgess scored the winning goal, earning Foxglen its first-ever Diamond Cup.
Jen's favorite food is nachos. She is not at all subtle about this. A recent encounter with a sideways nacho resulted in the discovery that her teeth are "super scrunkled," followed by a liberal application of orthodontic hardware, an incident which she has many mixed feelings about. |
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Mara DelacroixSPECIES: rabbit
The younger of the two Delacroix sisters, Mara was born at exactly the stroke of midnight, and has always had an affinity for the moon and all things celestial. This turned into a minor obsession when she had The Dream as a teenager and woke up with a moon-shaped mark on her left shoulder, which glows with a pale yellow light on moonless nights. Quiet and reserved, she frequently gets lost in deep thought, and prefers a good history or astronomy book over social interaction. She currently works in the Celestial Research Lab at Foxglen University, and hopes to someday learn the significance of her mark, and perhaps Dreams as a whole. |